

Hakkoryu Jujutsu is a way of self-defense, self-perfection, and mutual prosperity that is distinct from competitive sports and martial arts.syodai okuyama ryuho The purpose of the game is different from that of competitive games. The purpose is different from those of competitive matches. In Hakkoryu Jujutsu, along with its practicality "Do not challenge, do not defy, do not harm.In this way, the "self" and the "other" move in harmony, transcending immediate tactics and power struggles. By doing so, confrontation is eliminated and the two become one, freeing the body and mind. Hakko-ryu Jujutsu works together with opposites, integrating both to reach new horizons. It absorbs conflicts and contradictions to create new energy.


稽古1八光流柔術は護身術でもあります。(奥山龍峰独自の武芸であり他武道とは体系が異なります。)具体的には、指圧と同様、経絡を刺激し痛みを与え、相手の動きを封じるものです。術技のすべては、他者と争うためのものでは無いため、 血気盛んな若者よりもむしろ、婦女子や未就学児童でも習得できる教授方法が取られています。 現代の物騒な世の中にこそ、本当に護身術を必要とする人たちが体の内外の護身として活用しうるように、段階的に理解しやすく身体を効率よく運用し、また健康維持も含め筋肉的弱者でも行える日本武道の術理や生活にも活かせるよう古伝の理合いを学びやすいカリキュラムで教傳しております。
Hakkoryu Jujutsu is also a self-defense art. (This is a unique martial art of Ryuho Okuyama and differs from other martial arts in its system. Specifically, it is similar to shiatsu in that it stimulates the meridians to inflict pain and block the opponent's movement. All of the techniques are not meant to be fought over, so they are taught in a way that women and pre-school children can learn them, rather than young, bloodthirsty people. In order for those who truly need self-defense in today's noisy world to be able to use it for both internal and external protection, we have created a curriculum that is easy to learn and easy to understand. We teach an easy to learn curriculum.



Hakkoryu Jujutsu is a Japanese martial art that has blossomed from "martial art = means of fighting" to "harmony of humanity as a whole, including body and spirit". Even when you grab at someone with all your might, you are quickly broken down, your strength is reduced to nothing, or you are thrown away, and laughter erupts from both sides. If you say, "You bastard! What? The first step of the Hakkoryu Influence is to learn to use the integrated power that comes from the core posture, not just the weakness of the mind. The first step of Hakkoryu in Gate is to learn to use the integrated power that is created by a posture with a clear core. The main objective of Hakkoryu in Gate is to learn the true way of Japanese traditional martial arts by cultivating and cultivating the mind through beautiful posture and integrating the body through repeated refinement of the body.



(for Japanese only.)
